Saturday, June 18, 2016

Intermodal Discusses I-69 & Yellow Bend Port

After covering the normal monthly business of the Authority, members of the Board of the Southeast Arkansas Intermodal Authority and guest spent most of the meeting talking about the need to get I-69 moving in Arkansas and the urgency of getting a rail line into the Mississippi River Port at Yellow Bend.  Both projects have been years in the discussion and will require millions to make a reality.

The discussion about I-69 was prompted by a meeting held June, 9th at the Delta Resort near McGehee.  The completion of I-69 and the 530 Connector that will run from U. S. Highway 278, near the Intermodal Park, to Pine Bluff would be a major economic boost to South Arkansas and the Intermodal facility.  Both projects require millions of dollars in federal funds to make a reality.  The cost to get rail into Yellow Bend is less extensive but will require several million dollars also.  It will provide direct access to the river by the intermodal park making freight cost very attractive to business and industry.

During the meeting, Intermodal Chairman John Lipton told staff members present form Senator  Cotton's office and Congressman Westerman's Office that the delegation needs to help secure grant funds to assist with both projects as well as support highway funding to make I-69 become a reality.  Staff members indicated their bosses support grants.  Senator Cotton's representative told SRC that the Senator is concerned about interfering with the grant process.  The Senator typically will not right letters of support for Arkansas grants projects.  Congressman Westerman's aide indicated his boss would be actively supporting the grant effort.

Available grant funds, if approved, will make only a minor dent in securing sufficient funding for the over all I-69 endeavor, but it would keep something going.  The I-69 project is a multi billion dollar undertaking.

The intermodal board voted to pay $15,528.23 in bills due.  The organization currently owes $509,147.19 through a loan with Commercial Bank of Monticello.  Local governments continue to be listed as owing for the local match requirements of the overall construction of the intermodal park.  The amounts listed are as follows:
City of Monticello-$133,259.15
City of Warren-$134,606. 69
Drew County-$181,701.89
Bradley County-$251, 598.40

Construction on the intermodal park is nearing completion. 

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