Monday, March 27, 2017

Warren Middle School Receives OEP “Beating the Odds” Awards

The Office for Education Policy (OEP) at the University of Arkansas creates an annual report entitled the O​utstanding E​ducational P​erformance Awards, and the "Beating the Odds" awards are given to schools who are serving a high percentage of students from low-income communities that are
nevertheless reaching high levels of achievement. For the 2015-2016 school year, Warren Middle​ School ​received three awards:

Southeast Region ELA Beating the Odds- WMS Ranked 3rd in the region
Southeast Region Math Beating the Odds- WMS Ranked 2nd in the region
Southeast Region Science Beating the Odds- WMS Ranked 3rd in the region

The OEP calculates a GPA for schools in each subject based on the number of students that performed at each level on the most recent state exams. Because of changes in the state assessment system, GPAs for 2016 are not directly comparable to prior years. For ACT Aspire performance, students scoring ‘Exceeded Expectations’ are assigned 4 points, those ‘Ready to Learn’ are assigned 3 points, students who are ‘Close to Meeting Expectations’ get 2 , and students ‘In Need of Support’ receive 1 point. These special OEP awards are for schools whose students are achieving at a high level despite serving a population where at least 66% of the students participate in the Free/ Reduced Lunch Program, which is based on low household income. While poverty can negatively impact student success, the schools awarded demonstrate that their students are “Beating the Odds.”

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