Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Arkansas Better Chance Programs to Move from DHS to ADE

Little Rock, AR – The Arkansas State legislature’s proposal to move the Arkansas Better Chance programs from the Department of Human Services to the Arkansas Department of Education was passed in the final week of the legislative session.  This move creates a tremendous opportunity to reflect on what has been learned since the beginning of the ABC expansion in 2003.

The Alliance for Early Success convened an advisory group of ABC providers to discuss their perspectives on what they feel are the “cornerstones” of the program and how they might maximize this opportunity.  Using the occasion to rethink their work and plan for steps that lead early education to the next level of quality.  In the discussion, big questions were asked:  How might we support the children we serve, their families, and the communities in which our programs are based in new and better ways?  Also, what would we need, from the state, to do so?

It is an exciting time when a Governor recognizes Early Care and Education as the starting point to the education continuum.  This group will base their recommendations on their combined experience and expertise.  Upon consensus the recommendations will be shared with department officials for review and consideration.

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