Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Trails and Travel: The Saline In August

Small round pebbles pressed upon my bare feet as I stepped ever-so-slowly, making sure my footing was solid and that no sudden drop-off was awaiting me as the water rushed around my body.  With my standing reassured I said, "Come Denver!"  With an excited smile on his face, my German Shorthaired Pointer bounced like the Winnie the Poo character Tiger into the flowing water, creating a massive splash.  The splashes stopped when his feet could no longer touch the bottom, at which time his webbed paws took over and he started churning water just like a steamboat that once roamed these waters of the Saline River.  Within seconds he was with me standing in some shallow water in the middle of the river just north of the Highway 63 Bridge north of Warren.


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