Monday, January 20, 2020

Commercial Supporting Hunting Filmed On Warren Square

A company out of Greenville, North Carolina was in Warren Saturday, January 18 filming a commercial to be aired as a 30 second spot on the Outdoor Channel in February.  The commercial is being financed by the Safari Club international, an organization that supports hunting rights and advocates for hunting.  The commercial is aimed at pointing out the unreasonableness of individuals and organizations that oppose hunting.

According to SCI, hunters are among the most dedicated to conservation and to the protection of the environment.  It is an educational commercial.

David Smith, the CEO, CCO and Founder of Immortology is producing the commercial.  It is directed by Wayne Gibson and was filmed by Burt Young.  A large group of actors, some from Warren, were involved in staging a scene of radical activist protesting against the hunting of animals.

Mr. Smith was working with Gary Smith to shoot the spot in Warren.  David Smith has done previous filming in Bradley County.  He told SRC that he can get more done at less cost in the area and there is excellent scenery to be used.  This  includes buildings.  He said the City of Warren and Mayor Pennington were supportive and easy to work with.  He jokingly stated that he calls the area Arkansollywood.

The filming was so real that some people driving by thought a real protest was underway.  The crew spent some time including having lunch at the Taste and See Bakery.

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