Monday, September 8, 2014

School Board Makes New Hires

The Warren School Board met Monday, September 8, for its regular monthly meeting.  The meeting began with a public comment from a parent who was concerned about the bus pickup location for his children.  After hearing his remarks, the board and Superintendent Johnson explained why what he was seeking, the pick up of his children directly in front of his house, was not in the best safety interest for a bus pickup.  Mrs. Johnson indicated that she and the bus foreman would  be happy to discuss the matter for better resolution.

A disclosure resolution, which is required by law anytime a school employee has a business interest with which the school might contract, was approved.  Jamie Corker disclosed that she has part ownership in Corker Electric which is working for the school.

A special called school board meeting date of September 25 at 6:00 p.m. was set for the purpose of approving the budget and ACSIP.

Following the financial report given by Mrs. Debbi Hargrave, Mrs. Johnson informed the board that enrollment is up 36 students this year over the same time last year.  She noted that there are 140 pre-k students enrolled in the ABC program with 120 ABC funded and 20 NSLA funded.

Superintendent Johnson also informed the board that two schools were chosen to present "best practices" to the education committee at the Capitol.  Brunson New Vision Charter School was one of the two schools chosen to present.  Brunson Principal Regina Scroggins and Mrs. Jade Williams, counselor, made the presentation to the committee Monday.

The annual report to the public will be given at the October meeting.

Status reports on the renovations at the high school and on the repairs to the Tech center were given by Mrs. Johnson.  It was noted that the contractor, David Simmons, had been contacted by Mr. Odom regarding the need to complete the high school work as soon as possible due to fire code violations from last week's inspection.  The tech center report showed no asbestos but did indicate concern from bat guano above the 2nd ceiling.  The school is currently waiting on a report from emission control company in regards to the next steps.

Two new ticket booths have replaced the old ones due to rotted wood.

A number of personnel matters were taken up in executive session with the following results after returning:

The resignations of Tracy Moore, ES Food Services, and Jason Moore, mechanic, were accepted.  The pair indicated they were moving due to family illness.

Contracts for the following were approved:

Renell Ivy-Special Education ParaProfessional to replace Kenna Glossop who has transferred to the high school media center.

Jamie Corker-ADED Paraprofessional,

Kasey Shores-ABC Paraprofessional After School Program.

Danielle Erwin, ES Food Services

Kim Grandy-ES Food Services

Kim Burnett-Bus Driver

The following list of bus drivers were rehired:

Idonia Godwin
Steven Rawls
Walice Whate
Eddie Braswell
Ricky Boyd
Linda Cathey
Earle Charles
Henry Cox
Jimmy May
Tina Saldivar
Linda Smith
Craig Smith
Tommy Arnold

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