Wednesday, September 10, 2014

There Are Job Opportunities In Warren

In case you have not noticed, there are jobs available in the Warren community.  One of the comments often made by people throughout the city and county is, "we need jobs".  No one disagrees with that.  It should not go unnoticed that several companies in Warren are advertising for open jobs.  A number are in the wood products industry and of course the newly announced poultry plant is preparing to hire about 100 by early October.

For the first time in a while there are numerous opportunities available in the Warren community and the surrounding area.  In some cases certain skills are required but in many cases the company will train a new employee if they are willing to take the job.  Most of these jobs have very decent wages and some benefits.  Employers need dependable workers and individuals who can pass drug tests.

City of Warren officials have been working to encourage new jobs in Warren by assisting existing industry and recruiting new firms.  They are getting results.

According to the Arkansas Workforce Office there have been 503 applications submitted for the openings at the poultry plant.  These include persons from Bradley County and beyond.

Work continues to bring more jobs to Warren and the City of Warren will be actively seeking industry and business that might utilize the former Ortho-Flex factory ( also known as the old Jack Winter facility ) on West Central Street.  Since the building was donated to the city, a prospective company could receive a good deal that can help make a business profitable faster.

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