Monday, March 14, 2016

Board Receives Petition Supporting Head Boys Basketball Coach

Monday night, March 14, parents, community members, and a number of players of the Warren boys basketball program attended the Warren School Board meeting in support of the head boys basketball coach.  They presented the board with a petition of 115 signatures in support of the coach.  A spokesperson for the group in attendance noted that last Friday it came to the attention of many in the community that there was a movement beginning that dealt with the coach.  The spokesperson stated that the coach is "a cut above and cares for his players."  It was pointed out that under his coaching, the team went to regionals last year and that the Jr. Team, which he also coaches, finished the season undefeated and the winners of the District Tournament.  It was noted that the senior boys' team lost 9 senior players last year.

In speaking with supporters, learned that the petition came as a result of the head basketball girls and boys coaching positions being listed on the school's website advertising for applications for the jobs.

The petition was presented during the public comment section of the meeting, which is always last on the agenda.

After returning from executive session, the board voted to approve recommendations for administrators for the 2016-17 school year including:  Carla Wardlaw, Assistant Superintendent; Jonalyn Reep, SEACBEC Director; Bryan Cornish, WHS Principal; Kathy Cornish, WMS Principal, Regina Scroggins, BRNVCS, and Sara Weaver ESNVCS.

They approved the recommendations for contracts for the 2016-17 school year for all licensed personnel (excluding SEACBEC) as listed with restrictions noted.

They approved a contract effective 3-15-16 for Carmen Trotter as food service cook.

They accepted the following resignations at the end of contract unless noted:
Daniel Gallegos (ENVCS), Blake Marsh (MS math), Karen Kremer (WMS English), Curtis Craft (ROTC), Justin Beth Woodard (Cheerleading sponsor for Jr. High/Sr. High), MaryAnn Johnson (Cheerleading sponsor MS), Brandy Garner (Assistant Child Nutrition Director) (effective March 31, 2016), Eddie Braswell Bus Driver (Effective March 9, 2016).

They approved the following retirements:
Jo Ellen Callaway, Don Whittemore, Ginger Anders, Bobbe Armstrong.

Chenetta Durden was terminated as kitchen worker effective February 9, 2016.

The board approved contracts for High School Cheer Sponsor-Joanna Young and Jr. High Cheer Sponsor Sharon McClellan.

At the beginning of the meeting, principals reported their minute messages to update the board about activities at their buildings.

Calendar #2, as presented by the personnel policy committee and voted on by the teachers, was approved by the board.

The personnel policy committee's flex policy was approved by the board.

The board approved the financial statement as presented.

In the superintendent's report, Interim Superintendent Bobby Acklin told the board that and the bookkeeper are still trying to find money for bonuses for the staff.

He noted that the JROTC building is in bad condition and that he is looking into bringing the former adult education building up to code to be used for ROTC.  He said the cost for repairs could be as much as $30,000 to $40,000.  The building has wood paneling throughout which is not up to code and would need to be replaced with drywall.

He told the board he has been looking into an access control system where secretaries would monitor who gets to enter the building.  This safety feature may cost as much at $150,000.

He reported that the turf fundraising has gone very well and that he is impressed with community support.  He said he had spoken with personnel at Eastside about their concern that school money might be used and assured them that it was his priority to get a new school for Eastside.

He also indicated that he is looking into LED lighting to provide better quality lighting and greater savings to the district.

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