Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Hospital Administrator Addresses Lions Club

Bradley County Medical Center Administrator Steve Henson was the guest speaker for the Warren Lions Club during their Wednesday, January 9th meeting at Molly's Diner.  Mr. Henson was invited by Lion member Karen Rawls.

Mr. Henson presented a very informative presentation on the status of rural hospitals in America, in Arkansas and the financial condition of Bradley County Medical Center.  He pointed out that over the past number of years more and more rural hospitals have struggled and many are closing at an accelerated rate.  According to Mr. Henson some 600 small hospitals in America are facing difficulties.

The club was told that several issues are creating the problem, but the top three are: technology that provides for treatment without needing a hospital along with more and better drugs, a large number of people who do not access health care due to the cost and lack of insurance and the reduction in the availability of medicare coverage.  He stated the states that refused the expansion of medicare have suffered the most.  This includes Texas, Tennessee and others.  In Arkansas, where the program was adopted, it has helped keep the hospitals operating, but the changes that have been made by the state have reduced the number of people covered.  He went on to say that BCMC is working hard to keep the hospital afloat, but it is losing money on daily operations.  The one cent county sales tax is allowing the hospital to modernize and purchase new and improved equipment and the board and local doctors are working hard to recruit new physicians, which is vital to the hospital's future.  He said the medical business is changing and we have to provide after hours access to doctors care and provide in- hospital physicians care.

Mr. Henson stated the difficulty in meeting the hospital's financial needs is a steep hill to climb, but he, the staff, the board and the doctors are working hard to deal with the issues and assure quality and sufficient quantity of medical care in Warren and Bradley County.  He went on say there is a shortage of family physicians and nurses nation wide, and it is getting worse.  He said the pay requirements to hire medical professionals is escalating.

When ask about the impact the hospital has on the economy in Warren, Mr. Henson said it is substantial.  He also indicated the percentage of uninsured in the county has dropped from 30% to 15% since the medicare expansion was implemented.  This has been a major benefit to BCMC.  He remains concerned over the changes in the program in Arkansas that is reducing the number covered.

Mr Henson stated he loved being in Warren and Bradley County and working with the people of the community. 

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